Indexes and Databases

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OECD iLibrary

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OECD iLibrary provides online access to all books, journals, statistical series and databases originating from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development since 1998. UBC has access to the International Energy Agency's IEA Databases and to OECD.Stat.

OECD publications cover economic and social issues including trade, education, labour, social policy, health, finance, development, energy, environment, and science and innovation.

The Library has OECD journals and books in print as well. Check the online catalogue for call numbers and locations.

Updated Monthly


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Permitted Uses
Research or Private Study? Yes
Linking? Yes
Learning Management System? Yes
Text and Data Mining? No
Alumni Access? No
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General; Political Science; Population and Public Health

Date Coverage

1998 to current


eBooks, Government Publications, Statistics & Data