ASCE Research Library
Alternate Titles: American Society of Civil Engineers Research Library
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The American Society of Civil Engineers Research Library (ASCE) provides bibliographic access to all ASCE publications. The database provides access to citations and abstracts for ASCE journals, conference proceedings, books, standards, manuals, magazines, and newspapers published since 1970.
New! Full text access to conference proceedings 1998 - present.
Full text access to journal articles: Journal of aerospace engineering 1993 - present Journal of architectural engineering 1995 - present Journal of bridge engineering 1996 - present Journal of cold regions engineering 1993 - present Journal of composites for construction 1997 - present Journal of computing in civil engineering 1993 - present Journal of construction engineering and management 1993 - present Journal of energy engineering 1993 - present Journal of engineering mechanics 1993 - present Journal of environmental engineering 1993 - present Journal of geotechnical (and geoenvironmental engineering) 1995 - present Journal of hydraulic engineering 1993 - present Journal of hydrologic engineering 1996 - present Journal of infrastructure systems 1995 - present Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 1993 - present Journal of management in engineering 1993 - present Journal of materials in civil engineering 1993 - present Journal of performance of constructed facilities 1993 - present Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice 1993 - present Journal of structural engineering 1993 - present Journal of surveying engineering 1993 - present Journal of transportation engineering 1993 - present Journal of urban planning and development 1993 - present Journal of water resources planning and management 1993 - present Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 1993 - present Leadership and management in engineering 2001 - present Practice periodical of hazardous, toxic, and radioactive waste management 1997 - present Practice periodical on structural design and construction 1996 - present