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Eighteenth Century Collections Online

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Eighteenth Century Collections Online delivers every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in Great Britain during the eighteenth century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas.

It includes a variety of materials from books and directories, Bibles, sheet music and sermons to advertisements and works by many well-known and lesser-known authors, all providing a diverse collection of material for the researcher of the eighteenth century.

Included are works from women writers of the eighteenth century; collections on the French Revolution; and numerous editions of the works of Shakespeare. Multiple editions of each individual work are offered to enable scholars to make textual comparisons of the works.

All titles in this resource are indexed in the Library catalogue and Summon.

Partial collection available on microfilm:
The Eighteenth Century: a microfilm collection based on the British Library's Eighteenth Century Short Title Catalogue.


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Research or Private Study? Yes
Linking? Yes
Learning Management System? Yes
Text and Data Mining? No
Alumni Access? Yes
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English; History; Law; Medicine; Philosophy


Primary Sources