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Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers

Alternate Titles: Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers

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The Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection includes publications from across this dynamic region, providing unique insights into the history of individual countries, as well as broad viewpoints on key historic events from the late 19th through the late 20th century. Key topics include the decline of colonialism, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Suez Crisis, the Cold War, the rise of the petroleum industry, 20th-century pan-Arab movements, both World Wars, the establishment of the state of Israel, the Iran-Iraq War, and the recent Arab Spring.

Content in the Middle Eastern & North African Newspapers collection is predominantly in Arabic, but also includes key titles in English and French. The collection comprises mostly out-of-copyright, orphaned content from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

MENA is the second collection of titles digitized under the Global Press Archive (GPA) CRL Charter Alliance, an initiative to digitally preserve and make more accessible thousands of original print newspaper publications collected by the Hoover Institution and now housed by Stanford Libraries. Read more about the Global Press Archive and the dedicated support it contributes to Area Studies and advancement of Digital Humanities.


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African Studies; Arabic Studies; History; Near Eastern Studies

Date Coverage



Newspapers, Primary Sources

Funding Notes Free Access to this collection is made possible through the generous support of the Center for Research Libraries, UBC Library and other CRL member institutions.