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Naxos Music Library  🎓

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Naxos Music Library [NML] is the world's largest online classical music library. Currently, it offers streaming access to more than 198,000 CDs with more than 3,000,000 tracks, standard and rare repertoire, covering all periods of music history, from the medieval to the present. Each album includes the booklet of liner notes, which is rare among streaming music platforms, and offers information on the repertoire and performers on each recording.

The library offers the complete Naxos and Marco Polo catalogues plus the complete catalogues or selected titles from over 250 classical and world music labels with more labels joining every month. Classic pop and rock music as well as Chinese orchestral music are also represented.

In addition, it offers excellent educational resources including music dictionaries, guides on music history, composer biographies, analyses of selected works, and more.


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Research or Private Study? Yes
Linking? Yes
Learning Management System? Yes
Text and Data Mining? No
Alumni Access? Yes
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Date Coverage

Medieval period-present


Streaming Audio

Mobile Access

Mobile URL:

Go to the above "Mobile URL". Scroll down the page and read the instructions under the "Student" heading.