Indexes and Databases

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Siku Quanshu (Wenyuange Edition) 文渊閣四庫全書

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This resource can only be accessed within the Asian Library where access has been arranged on Library computers.

User limit: 30 maximum

This resource requires the installation of a client program.

To access the Siku Quanshu electronic version, an icon has been installed on workstations in the Asian Library ONLY. Look for a

Yellow icon with “Siku Quanshu” characters on the desktop or ask at the Desk for assistance. After launching from the icon, click "IP Login" to start the program. Remember to logout.


On your PC laptop, you can install the client program yourself, but it will only function on campus at this time.

  1. To start the installation, click HERE
  2. Double-click Download under  Client Program (with English user interface) and follow instructions to install the client program
  3. install in the suggested folder
  4. ignore any download error messages if they appear
  5. You will have to restart your laptop (when prompted) to complete the set up
  6. Click on the desktop yellow icon to open the client program, and then click “IP Login” to start using the database.

Need additional help using this resource? Contact this resource's subject librarian.

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Permitted Uses

Restricted Icon  Access open only to UBC students, faculty, staff and on-site Library users (other restrictions may apply)

Permitted Uses
Research or Private Study? Yes
Linking? Yes
Learning Management System? Yes
Text and Data Mining? No
Alumni Access? No
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Chinese; History

Date Coverage

From antiquity to the 18th century

