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Soviet-Era Ukranian Newspapers (SEUN)

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The Soviet-Era Ukrainian Newspapers (SEUN) collection traces the history of Ukraine during this tumultuous era—covering these and events leading up to WWII. Comprising over 50,000 pages and five titles, SEUN includes newspapers from three cities: Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv.

Titles include: Borot'ba (Боротьба), Dilo (Діло), Kievskaia mysl' (Киевская мысль), Proletars’ka pravda (Пролетарська правда), Visti VUTsVK (Вісті ВУЦВК)

This collection includes newspapers in both Ukrainian and Russian.

Access to SEUN is made possible through the generous support of the Center for Research Libraries and its member institutions. Part of East View's Global Press Archive.



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History; Political Science; Slavic Studies; Ukrainian

Date Coverage



Newspapers, Primary Sources