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Southeast Asian Newspapers

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Southeast Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries was largely and violently controlled by Western colonial powers, with most of the region divided among the British, French, Dutch, Spanish and American empires, supplanted by a brief period of Japanese colonialism following the outbreak of war in Europe and the Pacific. The post-World War II era witnessed a series of revolutions as local leaders looked to regain independence from colonial powers.

The Southeast Asian Newspapers collection chronicles the changes that took place throughout the region during this period, as well as the challenges of early statehood. Covering several countries from the region, including Myanmar (formerly Burma), Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, and featuring multiple languages such as Dutch, English, French, Javanese, Spanish and Vietnamese, the Southeast Asian Newspapers collection incorporates a wealth of coverage and perspectives on major regional and global events of the late 19th and 20th centuries.

Open access to the Southeast Asian Newspapers collection is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) and its member institutions. Read more about the Global Press Archive and the dedicated support it contributes to Area Studies and advancement of Digital Humanities.


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Asian Studies; Indonesian; Southeast Asian Languages

Date Coverage



Newspapers, Primary Sources